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Graduate Student Openings

We are looking for one PhD student to join the lab starting Fall 25'. If you are interested and are already residing in the United States, please email to express interest. Make it clear in the subject line that you are living in the U.S.


DALL·E 2023-03-02 11.50.54 - digital art of graduate students performing research in a lab
DALL·E 2023-03-02 12.11.44 - an impressionist painting of graduate students performing res

Interested students should send a resumé to by April 1, 2024.

Summer Research Internships for High School Students

We invite Knoxville-area rising and graduating Seniors, to join us in the lab at the University of Tennessee this summer! Students will work on ongoing research alongside graduate and undergraduate researchers to perform experiments, learn laboratory equipment and protocols, and analyze data.


Program Details

  • 6-8 weeks depending on student interest and availability

  • approx. 12 hours in lab per week

  • transportation to the FaSt Lab is the responsibility of the student

  • this is a volunteer position

**We are very flexible on working days/times and start/end dates

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